Mexican Experimentalism | COSMOS & Otono

With COSMOS and Otono

Mexico City’s cultural hub and platform Otono delivers a special selection that highlights artists from the contemporary Mexican and Latin American experimental music scene. Bringing together both emerging and legendary acts, these 12 tracks go from North Mexico all the way down south, and from experimental folk and acid jazz to the vast field of electronic productions.


  1. Juan Pablo Villa & Flores de Mezcalapa – "La Luz"

  2. Pawana – "Demo 100-207"

  3. Juke Dealer feat. Ernesto M. Andriano – "Acid Jukzz"

  4. The Hissed – "Verdes"

  5. Luis Sigûenza – "E35"

  6. Microhm – "Combustión (KOI Reimagination)"

  7. Braulio Lam – "Cinestill"

  8. Ochi – "Morphing Normality"

  9. Antonio Russek – "Storm"

  10. Elliott Levin's Mexikan Solar Orchestra – "Live (Fragment)" feat. Ernesto M. Andriano, Adriana Camacho, Aleida Perez, Rodo Ocampo, Sarmen Almond, Natalia Perez Turner, Remi Alvarez, Milo Tamez, Germán Bringas, Alain Cano, Ole Reimer, Nicolas Caloia & DJ Silent Zen

  11. Space Test Program – "Alunizaje"

  12. Mala Fama – "Minervita"