Unknown Language | Vittoria Totale

With Vittoria Totale, and Unknown Language

Unknown Language is a research and performative project focusing on language as a conveyer (meaning) and form (expression), aiming to explore its role in shaping individual and collective identities through artistic and critical lenses.

Over 5 weeks, Unknown Language deploys as a residency at Refuge Worldwide presenting different approaches on 'voice in sound and voice as sound' through the practices of a series of voice artists through radio shows, talks and workshops.

Vittoria Totale introduces Unknown Language through words and sounds that inspired the project. Vittoria Totale is a curator and writer whose research focuses on language. Her practice is developed at the intersection of music, contemporary art and non-formal education experiments, with a penchant for imaginative and speculative approaches.

The residency of Vittoria Totale at Refuge Worldwide in Berlin is funded by the European Union and Goethe Institut. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.