Fiestuki Día de Muertxs | Dj Putilla
- Club
- Bass
BEBE has been supporting RAGGA since day one and I’m forever grateful. We got to reconnect in New Orleans last year since he moved to Los Angeles and it was a vibeeeee. In New Orleans we were complete birds, running through the streets and it was everything. It was a sister link up that I remember reminded me just how much I miss him here in NYC and how much he is a part of the fabric of what RAGGA has come to be. From the Spectrum to Nowadays, BEBE has reminded me just how important it is to keep growing with the times while staying grounded in the roots of what the NYC sound and vibe has been. I’ll never forget him saying: “Techno is a vibe or whatever… but NYC is the home of MANY sounds. It’s time to WAKE THESE HOES UP!”. Facts only BEBE! Love you down sis. Thank you for always blessing RAGGA.