Listening Bodies | Fatou Cissé (Senegal)

With Listening Bodies

Fatou Cissé lives in Dakar, where she was born and began her career as a dancer and choreographer at her father's Manhattan Dance School. She continued her education in Afro Jazz, in traditional dance from Guinea and in traditional dances from Senegal and gradually created numerous works of her own, with which she successfully toured internationally. Since 2019 she has been realizing the urban scenographic program ''La ville en mouv'ment'', within the framework of which artists from the fields of visual and performing arts work together and intervene in urban space.

In the podcast we accompany Fatou on her search for her place in society, in dance and in urban space as a woman who has a high awareness of her abilities and a strong desire for freedom, but who pays attention to tradition and the preservation of religious rules. She lets us feel the importance of improvisation for her work and shows what it means to provoke encounters in urban space through art.