(H)Our Realities: Sex Worker Feminism is Intersectional Feminism | BIWOC* Rising, SWAG & Nine Fumi Yamamoto-Masson (r)

With SWAG , Nine Fumi Yamamoto-Masson and BIWOC* Rising

In this episode of (H)our Realities, host Fumi Nine Yamamoto-Masson of BIWOC*Rising speaks with Ava of SWAG (Sex Worker Action Group) about why the perspectives of sex workers (and in particular racialised sex workers) are so important for a truly intersectional feminism fighting cis-het-patriarchy and state violence in late capitalism, especially with regard to labor, gender, community, care, class struggle, and liberation.

SWAG is a group of sex workers and supporters in Berlin, organised independently and non-hierarchically to create concrete events and actions. They aim to end the criminalisation, stigma, and harm of sex workers while fostering a community where everyone can thrive.

In their latest statement, SWAG addresses the urgent need for intersectional solidarity in the face of global atrocities such as the genocide in Palestine, ethnic cleansing in Sudan, and violent neocolonialism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They demand universal rights, decriminalisation of sex work, a focus on decolonisation, and the abolition of carceral and police violence. Because all liberation struggles are imterconnected, true liberation for sex workers cannot be achieved without the liberation of all oppressed groups, calling for unity against the oppressive structures of white supremacy, colonialism, and state violence.

Tune in to hear Ava and Nine Fumi delve into how sex workers' rights intersect with broader social justice movements, and how their fight against marginalisation and criminalisation is a crucial part of the struggle for collective liberation.