The Breakfast Show | moe.
- Electronic
- Jazz
- House
With Aysun and CRUSH Kollektiv
CRUSH Kollektiv is a FLINTA* DJ collective which formed in 2020. Their main focus is hosting monthly DJing sessions, currently at Pirate Studios in Berlin. Their goal is to connect and uplift FLINTA* DJs and help newcomer DJs from across the globe to build a network in Berlin. They have hosted a few club and bar nights and keep growing.
In this showcase 4 of 6 members will introduve themselves and their favorite tunes. Tune in, chat with them via chatroom or come say Hi at Oona Bar!
If you'd like to join their monthly DJing sessions you can find more info here:
And for more info about the collective and their goals, here is an interview by Pirate Studios: