- Jazz
- Easy Listening
- Disco
Concrete Listening Show traces ways of listening through words, jazz, and electronic music.
Today's show expresses solidarity with Palestine and transmits the music of Akram Abdulfatah, Kamilya Jubran, Faraj Suleiman, and Rim Banna. Sounding together with Kaidi Tatham, Sun Ra, David Fiuczynski, and Rudresh Mahanthappa, this show hosts the voices of Alludin Mathieu, Wayne Shorter, Thich Nhat Hahn, and John Cage, which remind us of many ways to listen.
This show coincides with the latest single release by ILYICH called At the Door, recorded together with multi-instrumentalist artist Takuya Nakamura. Conceived in response to the military invasion of Ukraine, it is this door ILYICH wishes the Earth can fly through one day to stop ongoing wars and genocide.
Aligned with listening as a generative act, this Concrete Listening Show points towards the challenges and resolutions, which are simultaneously practical and theoretical, empirical and conceptual, literal and metaphorical, mystical and material, political and spiritual, collective and individual, mundane and extraordinary.