Come by for the Oona Bar winter hangout
All day long on this Saturday, December 14.
Saturday 23 September at Oona.
By Staff
The Road to Nowhere (TRTN) is a magazine of creative and cultural writing, art and photography about second-generation immigrants, diasporas and migration narratives.
On 23 September The Road to Nowhere launches its new edition, Volume Three, at Oona. Featuring the work of 27 contributors sharing stories of journeys to their homelands, Volume Three explores "the legacy of a homeland throughout its diaspora."
From 13:00-15:00, there will be a community zine-making workshop. Participants will be invited to each create a page of a zine exploring diaspora, migration and community with craft material over the course of an hour/two hours at Oona. TRTN will then upload the pages together as a digital zine for download and sharing, and everyone in the zine will be credited.
Afterwards, join us for a pop-up exhibition, readings from contributors, snacks, cocktails, and music from Abiba, Dynoman, Jinisjuicy and Moneyama.
You can also buy limited edition prints of images from the new issue. 10% of sales will be donated to Choose Love, a UK-based charity supporting refugees across the globe, and Refuge Worldwide's non-profit partner Turning Tables, who empower young people in Berlin through music.
Sign up for the zine-making workshop here.