CRISP SESSIONS | DJ Boogie Dan & DJ Quien
- Hip-Hop
- Funk
- Bass
With 3ezwa and Migrantifa
Migrantifa Berlin is hosting their first Podcast episode under the topic "From Hanau to Gaza". The state, its political parties, and many people are gradually moving to the right thus inducing strong political and physical repressions on our siblings and comrades all over the world. How can we fight against a system that is trying to fight us each day and how does our fight include our siblings in Palestine? How does their fight impact ours? We have invited the newly founded collective "3ezwa" to talk about the connections of Palestine solidarity and the right winged terrorist attack in Hanau in 2020. We will explore possibilities of political organisation and more. Listen to our discussion and join us on the streets in Neukölln on the 19th of February! Yallah Migrantifa!