Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
With ace of demons and Emotional Labor Queen
In this special summer episode of Vibe Check I'm debating with Refuge Worldwide regular Emotional Labor Queen the INs and OUTs this summer.
While this hour is designed for you to lean back and be entertained, it's important to be aware that it's not all fun and games. At the moment, we are experiencing strong anti-democratic, authoritarian tendencies in Germany. Apart from anti-humanitarian immigration control for asylum seekers and trying to adapt policy changes, which aim to investigate and reject funding to those, which are not in line with state ideologies, both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have already addressed issues of police violence and human rights abuses in Germany. Amnesty International highlighted several concerns regarding police practices in Germany. They noted a persistent lack of effective, independent complaints mechanisms to handle allegations of police misconduct, including discriminatory abuses and excessive use of force. Specific incidents of racial profiling, especially against marginalised groups such as racial minorities and LGBTQ+ people, were also reported. Amnesty expressed concerns about the preemptive banning of protests, particularly those in solidarity with Palestinian rights, which they viewed as violations of the right to peaceful assembly and non-discrimination.
That's why while proposing a moment to recharge, I also wanted to bring up consider donating or sharing either of these funds below: