Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
With Anguezomo and When The Jackal Leaves The Sun
We welcome you to our podcast space braught to you by the team of When The Jackal Leaves The Sun, focusing on decentering restitution, feminist decolonial ecologies and pedagogies of healing. Our conversation (2022), the currents of migration discusses on the current situation of migrant experiences at Europe’s external borders for refugees and asylum seekers. What processes do we need to radically change the asylum law as well as the institutional violence against asylum seekers. What can be done in the face of an increasingly violent narrative. Jennifer Kamau and Napuli Langa from IWS respond as migrant women on the asylum process to Germany and the early currents formed as the Oranienplatz refugee movement in Berlin. With lawyer Hanna Hakiki a senior legal advisor at the European centre for constitutional and human rights. This recording closes with a Declaration of independence a sonic work by Ghanaian-British artist Barby Asante.
The moderation and live broadcasting of this conversation as part of “OplatzBox: The Refugee Movement Is The Movement of the 21st Century” was guided and produced by your host and curator Anguezomo Nzé Mba Bikoro and WeAreBornFree Empowerment Radio! conceptualise collaboratively with our Jackals curatorial team Jennifer Kamau, Renée Akitelek Mboya, Memory Biwa, Rehema Chachage, Suza Husse & Michael Bader. We give our thanks to all the teams from IWS for the curation of "Baustelle Immigration Oplatz Wird 10".
This recording is in memory to our comrade Sulti.