Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
With ace of demons
Cleo Kempe Towers is a visual artist, writer, and Jewitch based in Berlin. Towers works through power dynamics, ritualistic obsession, femme survival, and astrological healing. Towers produces a podcast called Emotional Labor Queen focused on queer-to-queer healing and all your matters of the heart.
Tianna Strickland is a visual artist focusing on analog photography. She attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City for her Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in Film and Video. Tianna self-published her first art book in January of 2021 called "Hearts will be Broken", which included some written poems. Tianna finds inspiration for her work from the dualities of the world, personal memories, and the people around her. She gives the viewer an insider's eye into the world of other. Through her work, she hopes to bring a better understanding of the importance of nuances and the beauty of being different.
The Breakfast Show, live from Weserstr. 166. Tuesday-Friday 10-12 CET.