Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
With Gonca Sağlam and Lucas Febraro
The May Day Manifesto 2024 is inspired by the core ideas and critical perspectives of the 1968 manifesto using its principles to critic the current socio-political landscape of Europe, with a particular focus on Germany. This takeover recognises the recurring themes of governmental inadequacy and the failure to address systemic and social inequalities, mirroring concerns from 1968. We also address the current rise of extreme right-wing ideologies and the complex dynamics of international politics, specifically Western support for Israel amidst the Palestinian Genocide.
Today we are raising money for the KOP Berlin legal fund which provides financial support to victims and is intended to enable them to defend themselves against the injustice inflicted on them through legal means and/or public relations work.
KOP Berlin - Kampagne für Opfer rassistischer Polizeigewalt (campaign for victims of police violence) is a Berlin based organisation run exclusively by voluntary unpaid activists who's aim is to counteract institutional racism on various levels and thus break through the racist norm. Specifically, the group deals with, among other things, the police practice of racial profiling, the documentation and investigation of racist police attacks and assaults, as well as accompanying victims and referring them to counselling centres.
This conversation is led by Lucas Febraro, a Berlin based activist and Gonca Sağlam from KOP.