Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
With Kaitlyn Davies and CO:QUO
For CO:QUO's last episode of 2022, Kaitlyn welcomes writer and cultural practitioner Austin Robey to the show. Austin joins Kaitlyn for a conversation on legacy cooperative organising models, building more sustainable economies for artists, and asking the question, "Will we still be asking people to like and subscribe in 15 years?".
Austin Robey is a founding member of Metalabel, Ampled, and Unnamed Fund. He is also a contributor to several Web3 communities including Friends With Benefits, Seed Club, and Dirt.
Camp Orchestra - Show Me the Body
Fall Down - The Death Set
Hysteric - White Lung
Enough for You - Single Mothers
High Anxiety - Surfbort
Violent Closure - GEL
F.E.B.N - Trash Talk
Gacked on Anger - Amyl and The Sniffers
Focused Panic - World View
Weed Pin - Drug Church
Metalabel's "After the Creator Economy" zine: https://collect.metalabel.xyz/