Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
With Sarj and Majed Abusalama
aequa stands for social equity. We exist because of a vision of a world where everyone can thrive, regardless of contexts or identities we are born into.
On December 2nd, a coalition of groups including Palästina Spricht / Palestine Speaks, Jewish Bund, Global South United, Jüdische Stimme and Palästina Kampagne came together to organize a demonstration under the banner "Stop the Genocide in Gaza: The Camps Resist." Majed Abusalama, who spoke and was arrested at the demo, was born in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. Today he joins our show to speak about his experiences as refugee, as a scholar, an organizer and a person fighting for the decolonization and collective liberation of all people. He’s interviewed by Emmy, a Berlin-based community organizer with a focus on freedom of movement, migrant justice and other abolitionist aims including the movement for a free Palestine.
Poet Refeef Ziadah reads her poem “We Teach Life, Sir” (London, 2011)
ELSC Legal Support, to defend the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe
Buy the music and poetry from today’s show:
Joss Stone - Eyes on the Prize
Moktar - Free Palestine
Rafeef Ziahdah - We Teach Life Sir
Lowkey - Long Live Palestine
Support aequa's E13 community space.