Femme & Fermented | Assila Beer
- Talk Show
As the first tiny purple crocus buds burst forth from winter-trampled beds of leaves, and tender green emerge from gray stems of twigs, we reflect on the theme of emergence.
While patiently waiting to welcome the spring equinox and Nowruz new year’s celebration later this week, we’re wondering:
What must be composted and let go to make way for new worlds?
Sarj and Luna investigate.
Luna (she/they) is an artist, dog mama, plant whisperer, climate justice organizer and all around soft human. When she’s not making things with her hands, she is involved in creating and sustaining spaces for community care and generative conflict. She created the beautiful artwork for today's show.
aequa stands for social equity. We are an intersectional network of people and projects connected by our shared vision of a world in which everyone can thrive. Together, we explore hope as a practice, becoming more capable together and growing our collective power in the process.
Learn more and get involved at http://www.aequa.cc
Support our community work at http://www.patreon.com/aequa/
Buy the music from today’s show at https://www.buymusic.club/user/sarj_from_aequa