
Shifting Basslines

The podcast series will premiere on June 4th

By Staff

Shifting Basslines is a new podcast series about sustainability and club culture. It is an ongoing multidirectional and collaborative project developed and created by researcher and curator Kerstin Meißner during her research fellowship at the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. It aims to initiate change, aka shift basslines, through storytelling, dialogue, and other creative outlets.

The project centres on a podcast series, covering the topics of space and mobility; data and digitalisation; and bodies and emotions. Each episode is curated and narrated by Nono Gigsta, Sarj Lynch and Camille Sapara Barton respectively.

In an additional episode (We Cannot Do It Alone), Kerstin is interviewed by feminist researcher Cara New Dagett and shares some thoughts on her motivation, the purpose, and ideas behind Shifting Basslines.

Find out more and listen to the episodes here.