Berlin Stories | 06 February
News and events from our community.
The session takes place from 17:00-18:30, 20 Feb.
By Staff
Join us for a sonic storytelling workshop with Mmakgosi Kgabi.
In this workshop, you will explore compositional strategies for storytelling using deep listening, a voice looping machine and improvisation. This session will give you the tools to transmit a sonic story captured in a live moment. You can sign up, free-of-charge, here.
Mmakgosi Kgabi ((s)he / they), is a dancer, dramaturg, director, DJ, voiceover artist, writer, producer, film actress and currently a resident radio host on Refuge Worldwide. She is the founding member of Motherbox Organisation in the Arts and has a BA in Choreography, Dance Repertoire, and Acting as well as an MA in Solo Dance and Authorship.