Berlin Stories | 06 February
News and events from our community.
This week marks the one year anniversary of the Hanau killings.
In February 2020, a far-right extremist murdered nine people in a racist terror attack targeting people with a migrant background.
The victims names were Ferhat Unvar, Gökhan Gültekin, Hamza Kurtović, Said Nesar Hashemi, Mercedes Kierpacz, Sedat Gürbüz, Kalojan Velkov, Vili Viorel Păun and Fatih Saraçoğlu.
On Saturday 20th Feb at 14:00 there will be an antifascist demo starting at Hermannstr. S-Bahnhof and throughout Neukölln to Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg. The demo will commemorate the lives of the Hanau victims and all those affected by racist violence.
Message from migrantifa_berlin
Our route for tomorrow. Don't forget masks, take drinks and a snack with you. Take care of yourselves and others, don't film people demonstrating and put their faces on the internet (without pixelating). Some people are targeted by the state and fascists - because they are left-wing, because they are active, because they are Kanak, because they are illegalised (sic). Keep that in mind, we are demonstrating together, but we are not all equally safe on the ground.
Unsere Route für morgen. Masken nicht vergessen, Getränke und kleinen Snack mitnehmen. Achtet auf euch und andere, filmt keine demonstrierenden Menschen und stellt ihre Gesichter unverpixelt ins Internet. Manche Leute sind das Ziel von Staat und Faschos - weil sie links sind, weil sie aktiv sind, weil sie kanakisch sind, weil sie illegalisiert sind. Behaltet das im Kopf, wir demonstrieren gemeinsam, sind aber nicht alle gleich sicher vor Ort.