Falastin Cinema Week Programme Announcement
Discover the full programme and get your tickets!
News and events from our community in Berlin.
By Staff
Protests, parties, panels and more.
22-28 February
Screening: On 23 February, Cinelogue and United Screens for Palestine present a screening of Slingshot Hip-Hop. The documentary by Jackie Reem Salloum follows young Palestinian artists from the West Bank and Gaza using hip-hop to navigate life under occupation. After the screening, film maker and journalist Dima Hamdan and artist Abu Hajar will hold a discussion. 18:00-21:00 at Spore Initiative, Hermannstrasse 86.
Workshop: Sound Stories Silent Site is a workshop and "performative laboratory for improvised music and storytelling" hosted by Anton Kats (aka ILYICH) next Thursday, 29 February. RSVP before tomorrow (23 February) to attend.
Demo: On Saturday 24 February, Pallies and BDS Berlin call for a demonstration for an end of the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. The protest starts at 14:00 at Wilmersdorfer-Kantstrasse. Be many!
Call for support: Schlafplatzorga is looking for a room for a refugee mother with three children in Berlin. The room is needed over weekends from Fridays to Mondays to provide the family some time away from the challenging life at the camp. Reach out to Schlafplatzorga if you have a room to offer or if you know someone who might be able to help. Email: sleepingplaceorga@systemli.org
Screening and talk: Savvy Contemporary is hosting a screening and panel talk with the Network of Alternative Arab Screens on 24 February. Starting at 15:00, the event will take place in English and is part of the series hosted by the cultural institution called “Let’s sit down together and talk about a little culture”.
Party: Adira celebrate their first anniversary. The queer Arabic pop party takes place on 24 February at Gretchen and highlights the intersections of Queer resilience and Palestinian resistance. Amplifying the voices that are too often silenced, the party celebrates strength, courage and joy in the face of adversity. Performers and artists include BolBola, Queer Falafel, and DJ DumTak. 23:00 at Club Gretchen Obentrautstrasse 19-21.
Event: Akimbo is a monthly presentation of experimental, political and thoughtful artworks. The next event will take place on 25 February at IDA Knowwhere with performances, poetry and video essays by thinker and artist okcandice, poet Aya El-Temissany, and performer Küb. The event will take place at IDA Knowwhere, Donaustrasse 79 at 19:00.
Panel Discussion: EOTO hosts a panel on trans* lives and anti-gender sentiments in the Black community on 27 February at 18:00. The Hybrid Event is co-costed by Black Trans+ Fund and features three speakers with unique perspectives on the intersections of gender identity and race and the experiences of Black trans* individuals. With Purity K. Tumukwasibwe, Shibolo Awali Sean, and Delovie Kwagala.
News: a new trade union for Berlin club workers has formed, the Berliner Clubarbeitenden Gewerkschaft, to support and protect workers from predatory management practices. Find out more here.
Header image: okcandice.