
Paul Oska

Paul Oska is a PhD Candidate at the University of Warwick, and an ESRC scholar. His project is about migrant-led organising and activism in Athens, Greece, with a focus on patterns of masculine care in this context. Through the project, he aims to explore the racialised constructions of migrant masculinities in Greece, as well as document the emergences, trajectories, and contemporary realities of self-organising and resistance to racial and migration-related injustice in the city, especially the ways different movements have overlapped, eclipsed, coexisted or escaped each other.

His interest in this area came about from participating in various solidarity initiatives in Athens from 2016 onwards. He became interested in the topic of solidarity and activism in the city, but noticed that most of what was written about solidarity in Greece, at least in those years, focused on the initiatives, actors, and political subjectivities of European citizens. This did not reflect my experience of activism in Athens where most of the labour, especially care work, was being done by migrants and refugees. His project started from the idea that this labour needs to be acknowledged in public, political and academic debates.