
Nataly Hulikova

Nataly Hulikova is musically coming from a dilettante and experimental punk background. She has played in the psychedelic noise punk band Mosquito Ego and the avant-garde no-wave band YOR. In her solo sound practice, she mainly collects and uses field recordings or whatever is there in the moment to be grabbed and played on. Everyday noises and shifting temperaments are transformed into sound structures over which different objects and voices are used to improvise.

This project is a collaboration with her friend and writer Alina Sauernheimer. Alina Sauernheimer lives in Vienna. She writes at and about various interfaces: of disciplines, literary genres, and languages. She is a member of the poetry collective >fährten<. In this collaborative project, the two of them deal with the auditory space of encounter and the potential of interference. It is also an attempt to approach different concepts of time through dream-like narrative waves. The listener is invited to enter a space in which time gets explored from various perspectives. The sound piece is inspired by theoretical and mythological influences alike.