
Archive Of Belonging

Archive of Belonging (AOB) is a directory and archive for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. It brings together practical, cultural, and emotional resources to respond to the question: how can we begin to find a sense of belonging after relocation? Recognizing that the need to belong is, first of all, a need and therefore vital to the health and well-being of all people and, secondly, that it is complex, diverse, and part of a dynamic and evolving never-ending process; the archive approaches the question of belonging through multiple paths. AOB is therefore a potential first point of contact for a refugee to find a practical resource they are looking for. But it is also a place where to find cultural resources made by and about refugees – songs, artworks, videos, that might help nurture the more subjective, emotional, and psychological aspects of belonging which are often ignored, underplayed, forgotten, or at best separated from the practical initiatives. Archive of Belonging gathers and organises these cultural resources, through three online exhibitions each year. These online exhibitions feature primarily refugee artists, not only to build the archive and explore belonging from many different points of view but also as a way to support and give voice and visibility to refugee artists. While the website is very much tailored to helping refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and their future generations, we also believe belonging is a universal need, and therefore the website and especially the exhibition we hope will be nourishing to all.