female:pressure | Mayan (PT)

With female:pressure

Ana Rita Costa (PT, Lisbon), known artistically by Mayan, has been developing a musical work of courage and breaking barriers of musical genres. Always in the perspective of sound construction, building up between the mental and the physical; perhaps because she started her professional career in the health area, and made the leap to the music industry recently. Dedicated to developing music production skills, she is currently in Berlin attending a sound design course and exploring new ways of expressing herself through music.

This session was designed to share music produced or interpreted by female artists. I felt the need to start with a small tribute to two great women who left us this year, Tina Turner and Rita Lee - a big influence in my 90's childhood.

With this, I decided to make another tribute even more special to me, a homage to my mother, Dina; a Portuguese singer and songwriter who left us 4 years ago. She won the "Festival da Canção" contest in Portugal, back in 1993 with her original song "Amor de Água Fresca", consequently participating in Eurovision (here I decided to put the English version of this same song, something unpublished because in the past, in order to participate in Eurovision you had to have 3 versions in different languages).

From an early age I coexisted with musicians, living in a music environment, and that's why I call music, Home. To make things more contemporary and current, I decided to choose some Portuguese electronic music artists, and also international artists of reference for me.

I hope you enjoy the sound journey, from the past, to the present and with an interest in the future.